New Zealand grown. Member owned.
We're proud to be a New Zealand-owned insurance and investment company that’s been voted Consumer People's Choice by our Members 9 years in a row for car, contents, and house insurance. We offer a range of insurance and investment options to help grow our Members’ wealth and protect what’s important to them.
We’re a Mutual, owned by our Members, so we have their best interests at heart and not a single dollar goes to offshore shareholders. We’re committed to forming life-long relationships with our Members by caring for them with exceptional service, premium products and expert advice.
And, as you’d expect from a company founded by doctors, we’re community driven. In 2019 we established MAS Foundation, a philanthropic organisation that funds community-led projects to improve health and wellbeing equity in Aotearoa New Zealand. Being a MAS Member means you not only receive outstanding products and service, but your contributions make a real difference to support the health and wellbeing of our communities.
Some benefits included with our insurance
- Motor Vehicle Insurance
- House Insurance
- Contents Insurance
Motor Vehicle Insurance
We will cover the reasonable cost of replacing locks and keys (including electronic access cards, transponders and remote door openers) if they have been lost, damaged, stolen or duplicated. No excess needs to be paid for your first claim under this benefit. That first claim will not affect your No Claims Bonus. Most we will pay for any one event is $1,000.
If another party is found to be completely at fault for an accident, we will pay for damages totalling up to a maximum of $3,000 for your vehicle that would otherwise be excluded under a third party or third party, fire and theft policy. With a comprehensive policy, full cover already applies in this situation. A $3,000 per policy limit for comprehensive applies.
For a small additional premium on your policy, if you make a claim, we'll provide you with hire car cover while your vehicle is being repaired or replaced. We'll contribute up to $100 per day, for up to 30 days, towards the cost of hiring a temporary replacement vehicle.
We will pay up to a maximum of $1,000 to cover any necessary and reasonable additional accommodation and travel expenses that you need to pay to complete your journey following an accident.
If a vehicle is considered uneconomical to repair and it is less than 1 year old, or less than 2 years old with no more than 40,000 km driven, we will replace it with a new vehicle of the same make, model and specification.
If you, your spouse, or any member of your family who normally lives with you is injured and, as a result, dies because of a sudden accidental event while driving the vehicle or as a passenger, we will pay $20,000 to the estate of that person.
Claims for accidental breakage of windscreens, window glass, and sun roofs will not have an excess applied and your No Claims Bonus will not be affected.
In the event of a genuine medical emergency, we will provide cover for a driver who would otherwise be excluded, or cover you while driving another vehicle for which you do not have insurance.
If another party is found to be completely at fault for an accident, we will refund your excess and ensure your No Claims Bonus remains unaffected.
You can choose to either use one of our preferred repairers and we'll guarantee their repairs, or you can select a repairer of your choice.
Any replacement vehicle purchased is automatically covered for 30 days on the same terms and conditions as the existing policy.
We'll automatically provide cover for a trailer you own or is in your care for its current value up to $2,000.
House Insurance
If you are injured, and, as a consequence, die as the result of a sudden accidental event caused by accidental loss to your property covered by this policy, we will pay $20,000 to your estate.
If your main residence is uninhabitable, we will pay up to $50,000 for the additional and reasonable costs for alternative accommodation while the property is being assessed and/or repaired.
We'll allow you to claim under the Alternative accommodation benefit when you are denied access to your house due to safety concerns or an emergency.
Claims solely for accidental breakage of glass in windows, doors or screens of your house will not have an excess applied and your No Claims Bonus will not be affected.
In certain circumstances we'll provide up to $5,000 for hidden rot, hidden mildew or hidden gradual deterioration caused by water leaking from an internal source.
We'll provide cover for damage caused by a fire or explosion intentionally caused by any tenant, guest of a tenant or your guest.
If we've accepted a claim, you'll also be entitled for up to $5,000 to replant or repair damaged lawns, flowers, trees, hedges or shrubs or to pay for other reasonable landscaping costs.
If you're building a new structure we'll provide up to $20,000 to cover the new structure being built and any building materials that will be incorporated.
If we've accepted a claim, you'll also be entitled for up to $2,000 for the reasonable costs incurred for the removal of a fallen or partially fallen tree on your property.
We will cover the reasonable cost of replacing locks and keys (including electronic access cards and transponders and remote door openers) if they have been lost, damaged, stolen or duplicated. No excess needs to be paid for your first claim under this benefit. First claim will not affect your No Claims Bonus. Most we will pay for any one event is $2,000.
Your premium includes a levy which is paid to the Natural Hazards Commission under NHCover. NHCover provides cover for damage after a natural hazard, up to limits set by them, We provide natural hazards cover for your property not covered by NHCover and for damage in excess of NHCover limits.
We'll pay up to $10,000 for reasonable costs incurred to protect a Member's property from loss, or following a loss, to minimise damage and prevent further loss. We will also pay the reasonable costs incurred to replenish your fire fighting equipment after it has been used to protect your house.
Contents Insurance
We'll provide up to $25,000 cover at home, and up to $5,000 cover out and about, for property owned by you that relates to a home-based office or healthcare practice.
We cover your children's contents while they're in full time study and staying at boarding school, in tertiary accommodation or while boarding in a private residence. We'll also cover their belongings stored at your house while they're overseas.
We cover your contents for accidental loss by restricted perils while temporarily stored in a professional storage facility.
We cover your contents for accidental loss by restricted perils while being permanently moved to a new permanent address anywhere in New Zealand.
We'll provide up to $2,000 for fraudulent debit or credit card use for which you are legally liable and cannot be recovered elsewhere.
We will repay you up to $5,000 if you incur expenses caused by Cyber-bullying. Your no claims bonus will not be affected.
In certain circumstances we'll provide up to $5,000 for hidden rot, hidden mildew or hidden gradual deterioration caused by water leaking from an internal source.
We cover your parents' or grandparents' contents automatically under your policy while they're residing in a rest home, hospice or the like.
Under our Replacement value cover option, if an item cannot be repaired, we will replace it with the nearest equivalent item available that is substantially the same as the damaged item was when new.
We will cover the reasonable cost of replacing locks and keys (including electronic access cards and transponders and remote door openers) if they have been lost, damaged, stolen or duplicated. No excess needs to be paid for your first claim under this benefit. First claim will not affect your No Claims Bonus. Most we will pay for any one event is $2,000.
We'll provide up to $10,000 for reasonable costs incurred to protect your property from loss, or following a loss, to minimise damage and prevent further loss. We will also pay the reasonable costs incurred to replenish your fire fighting equipment after it has been used to protect your house.
If we are unable to repair an item of jewellery or artwork that forms part of a pair or set, and we are unable to repair or replace the complete pair, we will, at your request, settle the claim as if the whole pair or set was involved in the loss.
Some benefits included with our insurance
Motor Vehicle Insurance
We will cover the reasonable cost of replacing locks and keys (including electronic access cards, transponders and remote door openers) if they have been lost, damaged, stolen or duplicated. No excess needs to be paid for your first claim under this benefit. That first claim will not affect your No Claims Bonus. Most we will pay for any one event is $1,000.
If another party is found to be completely at fault for an accident, we will pay for damages totalling up to a maximum of $3,000 for your vehicle that would otherwise be excluded under a third party or third party, fire and theft policy. With a comprehensive policy, full cover already applies in this situation. A $3,000 per policy limit for comprehensive applies.
For a small additional premium on your policy, if you make a claim, we'll provide you with hire car cover while your vehicle is being repaired or replaced. We'll contribute up to $100 per day, for up to 30 days, towards the cost of hiring a temporary replacement vehicle.
We will pay up to a maximum of $1,000 to cover any necessary and reasonable additional accommodation and travel expenses that you need to pay to complete your journey following an accident.
If a vehicle is considered uneconomical to repair and it is less than 1 year old, or less than 2 years old with no more than 40,000 km driven, we will replace it with a new vehicle of the same make, model and specification.
If you, your spouse, or any member of your family who normally lives with you is injured and, as a result, dies because of a sudden accidental event while driving the vehicle or as a passenger, we will pay $20,000 to the estate of that person.
Claims for accidental breakage of windscreens, window glass, and sun roofs will not have an excess applied and your No Claims Bonus will not be affected.
In the event of a genuine medical emergency, we will provide cover for a driver who would otherwise be excluded, or cover you while driving another vehicle for which you do not have insurance.
If another party is found to be completely at fault for an accident, we will refund your excess and ensure your No Claims Bonus remains unaffected.
You can choose to either use one of our preferred repairers and we'll guarantee their repairs, or you can select a repairer of your choice.
Any replacement vehicle purchased is automatically covered for 30 days on the same terms and conditions as the existing policy.
We'll automatically provide cover for a trailer you own or is in your care for its current value up to $2,000.
House Insurance
If you are injured, and, as a consequence, die as the result of a sudden accidental event caused by accidental loss to your property covered by this policy, we will pay $20,000 to your estate.
If your main residence is uninhabitable, we will pay up to $50,000 for the additional and reasonable costs for alternative accommodation while the property is being assessed and/or repaired.
We'll allow you to claim under the Alternative accommodation benefit when you are denied access to your house due to safety concerns or an emergency.
Claims solely for accidental breakage of glass in windows, doors or screens of your house will not have an excess applied and your No Claims Bonus will not be affected.
In certain circumstances we'll provide up to $5,000 for hidden rot, hidden mildew or hidden gradual deterioration caused by water leaking from an internal source.
We'll provide cover for damage caused by a fire or explosion intentionally caused by any tenant, guest of a tenant or your guest.
If we've accepted a claim, you'll also be entitled for up to $5,000 to replant or repair damaged lawns, flowers, trees, hedges or shrubs or to pay for other reasonable landscaping costs.
If you're building a new structure we'll provide up to $20,000 to cover the new structure being built and any building materials that will be incorporated.
If we've accepted a claim, you'll also be entitled for up to $2,000 for the reasonable costs incurred for the removal of a fallen or partially fallen tree on your property.
We will cover the reasonable cost of replacing locks and keys (including electronic access cards and transponders and remote door openers) if they have been lost, damaged, stolen or duplicated. No excess needs to be paid for your first claim under this benefit. First claim will not affect your No Claims Bonus. Most we will pay for any one event is $2,000.
Your premium includes a levy which is paid to the Natural Hazards Commission under NHCover. NHCover provides cover for damage after a natural hazard, up to limits set by them, We provide natural hazards cover for your property not covered by NHCover and for damage in excess of NHCover limits.
We'll pay up to $10,000 for reasonable costs incurred to protect a Member's property from loss, or following a loss, to minimise damage and prevent further loss. We will also pay the reasonable costs incurred to replenish your fire fighting equipment after it has been used to protect your house.
Contents Insurance
We'll provide up to $25,000 cover at home, and up to $5,000 cover out and about, for property owned by you that relates to a home-based office or healthcare practice.
We cover your children's contents while they're in full time study and staying at boarding school, in tertiary accommodation or while boarding in a private residence. We'll also cover their belongings stored at your house while they're overseas.
We cover your contents for accidental loss by restricted perils while temporarily stored in a professional storage facility.
We cover your contents for accidental loss by restricted perils while being permanently moved to a new permanent address anywhere in New Zealand.
We'll provide up to $2,000 for fraudulent debit or credit card use for which you are legally liable and cannot be recovered elsewhere.
We will repay you up to $5,000 if you incur expenses caused by Cyber-bullying. Your no claims bonus will not be affected.
In certain circumstances we'll provide up to $5,000 for hidden rot, hidden mildew or hidden gradual deterioration caused by water leaking from an internal source.
We cover your parents' or grandparents' contents automatically under your policy while they're residing in a rest home, hospice or the like.
Under our Replacement value cover option, if an item cannot be repaired, we will replace it with the nearest equivalent item available that is substantially the same as the damaged item was when new.
We will cover the reasonable cost of replacing locks and keys (including electronic access cards and transponders and remote door openers) if they have been lost, damaged, stolen or duplicated. No excess needs to be paid for your first claim under this benefit. First claim will not affect your No Claims Bonus. Most we will pay for any one event is $2,000.
We'll provide up to $10,000 for reasonable costs incurred to protect your property from loss, or following a loss, to minimise damage and prevent further loss. We will also pay the reasonable costs incurred to replenish your fire fighting equipment after it has been used to protect your house.
If we are unable to repair an item of jewellery or artwork that forms part of a pair or set, and we are unable to repair or replace the complete pair, we will, at your request, settle the claim as if the whole pair or set was involved in the loss.