As an active steward of your money, we seek to use shareholder voting rights to influence companies to conduct their business in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. We also arrange for engagement with the companies the Schemes invest in, to advocate for human rights, labour rights, anti-corruption, and the environment.
Voting for social responsibility
We have a socially responsible proxy voting policy and endeavour to vote on all shareholdings*

In practice, this means we generally vote in support of social and environmental shareholder proposals that seek greater disclosure on topics such as human/labour rights, workplace safety, environmental practices, climate change risk, and sustainable business practices.
Engaging with the companies you own
We arrange for engagement with companies the funds invest in, to advocate for human rights, labour rights, anti-corruption, and the environment*.

Over 100 companies are identified and engaged with each year in collaboration with other investment managers. Working with others enables us to leverage the collective shareholder influence of numerous investors and achieve greater impact than we could on our own.
* Proxy voting and collaborative engagement activity is executed on our behalf by Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) according to our instructions.